~Lizzie, my little Christmas Angel~ |
Usually, Christmas Eve morning is spent wrapping the last of the presents, making one last trip to the store for some needed or forgotten gift and/or ingredient and tidying up the house to set the stage for the rest of the day and the next. There is an electricity in the air as we bustle about making everything ready. Some people pack up the car and head off to a friend or relatives house for dinner. Some of my happiest memories, as a child, were going to Nana and Papa's house on Christmas Eve. My mom would help us to get into our holiday finest, with us kids asking every 10 or 15 minutes if it was time to go yet. Doesn't Christmas Eve seem like the longest day of the year? A hold-over from childhood and all the waiting. We would head over in the late afternoon, greeted at the door by our precious grandparents, Papa in his red wool sweater and square-toed boots, smelling of English Leather cologne and Nana in her Christmas apron, Santa hat and festive blouse adorned with her bejeweled Christmas tree pin, smelling of Este Lauder's Youth Dew. Their house was warm and cozy with a fire crackling in the fireplace, the smell of roast cooking adding to the overall good feeling, the small, lead-tinsel strewn tree placed on top of a little table, and of course, Johnny Mathis singing lovely Christmas Carols in the background. The excitement was palpable. Oh, to feel that feeling again!
With my kids, ourChristmas Eve traditions have been different over the years, sometimes taking a 3 1/2 hour drive, each way, to my sister, Melinda's house so we could be with family on this sacred day, but in the last few years we have kept Christmas Eve with just our immediate family. We set a beautiful table in the formal dining room with my favorite red transferware dishes. This year we had standing rib roast, grilled onions, twice baked potatoes and green bean casserole. I planned on making Yorkshire Pudding, but the new salt rub I used on the rib roast prevented drippings from accumulating and we were all too hungry to wait the extra 20 minutes we would have to wait to make it after the roast was done. So we skipped it. We all agreed the roast was the best one ever and we ate every one of the twice-baked potatoes, eating more, even when we were so stuffed we were groaning!

After dinner, all of us girls sat at the table, letting our meals settle, while my dear husband, Dave, cleared the table, washed the dishes and brought us coffee. When Dave finished, everyone opened their one gift, pj's, put them on and headed to the family room to watch both Disney's Very Merry Christmas sing-a-long and then our beloved favorite, It's A Wonderful Life. The kids finally headed up to bed at about 12:30 AM, with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads. It was the end of a perfect day, with the best still to come.

I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year. ~Charles Dickens
With my kids, ourChristmas Eve traditions have been different over the years, sometimes taking a 3 1/2 hour drive, each way, to my sister, Melinda's house so we could be with family on this sacred day, but in the last few years we have kept Christmas Eve with just our immediate family. We set a beautiful table in the formal dining room with my favorite red transferware dishes. This year we had standing rib roast, grilled onions, twice baked potatoes and green bean casserole. I planned on making Yorkshire Pudding, but the new salt rub I used on the rib roast prevented drippings from accumulating and we were all too hungry to wait the extra 20 minutes we would have to wait to make it after the roast was done. So we skipped it. We all agreed the roast was the best one ever and we ate every one of the twice-baked potatoes, eating more, even when we were so stuffed we were groaning!

After dinner, all of us girls sat at the table, letting our meals settle, while my dear husband, Dave, cleared the table, washed the dishes and brought us coffee. When Dave finished, everyone opened their one gift, pj's, put them on and headed to the family room to watch both Disney's Very Merry Christmas sing-a-long and then our beloved favorite, It's A Wonderful Life. The kids finally headed up to bed at about 12:30 AM, with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads. It was the end of a perfect day, with the best still to come.

Time to break out the real silver. |
See how well the toile runner matches the transferware plates? |
The quality of this set is amazing... not one plate is cracked or chipped, and they were old when I got them, and I use them all the time! |
I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year. ~Charles Dickens