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In the tradition of Dickens' England, we named our house "Goss Cottage". |
Tomorrow is my 2nd daughter, Michelle's 17th birthday and my oldest daughter, Natalie, will turn 20 in another week. We try to make birthdays special around here, and when the girls were younger we always had big parties for them individually, so that was added to my "December Panic". No wonder I have a reoccurring dream that it's Christmas Eve, I'm shopping at Long's Drug Store, needing to buy all my Christmas presents with $20 and the store is closing in 20 minutes! I'm rushing around the isles trying to find something that will make my kids dreams come true and nothing seems to fit the bill. (Literally!) Sometimes I dream it's Christmas morning and I've forgotten to get everything ready for Santa Claus. My kids are waking up and coming into my room and I'm trying to scramble around and unscramble my foggy brain and come up with an excuse as to why Santa didn't come yet! Dreams? more like nightmares. Moms on overload. My mom used to say she wished Christmas wasn't all about the presents and that it was more about the good feeling. Boy, did I ever think that was a 'bah humbug' attitude. What could be more fun for a kid than to look at their presents under the tree, wondering what great surprises awaited them...often stacking them to see who had the most...probably about the time my mom mentioned she wished Christmas wasn't all about the presents when she noticed the stacks were uneven!! I thought, 'gosh, Mom, how can you say that? Christmas is soooo fun. ' I sure understand her now, though I still remember that incredibly, somewhat indescribable, excited feeling that only Christmas could bring, and because I do, I still side with the children, at my own expense. (no pun intended) I think, because my own childhood was so enchanted, I put a lot of pressure on myself to recreate that Christmas magic for my own children. I look at them and wonder, "are they feeling as happy and awe struck as I felt?" I just can't tell. My siblings and I had butterflies the whole month of December, right down until the moment all the presents were open. At that point emotions ran the gamut going from the happiest time of the year to the most depressing, because at that moment, even though it's still Christmas day, you are at the farthest point from the next Christmas. Talk about crashing down off a high. Isn't it funny...now I enjoy Christmas night thinking, whew... a whole year before I have to do this again. Don't get me wrong. I love Christmas. It is the most wonderful time of the year, but it is also a monumental amount of work, so when I get through it, I'm relieved.
These are some Christmas family traditions I cherish the most:
1. Going to Lane Farms to pick out the perfect tree. The smell of the trees still makes my stomach do somersaults.
2. Driving around with the whole family, looking for the best lights and decorations.
3. Watching our favorite Christmas specials. As many versions as possible of Charles Dickens', A Christmas Carol, How The Grinch Stole Christmas and The Grinch, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Rudolph, Frosty The Snowman, Elf, Heidi (the Shirley Temple version), The Holiday, Home Alone, You've Got Mail, Miracle on 34th Street (both versions), and of course, our very favorite...It's a Wonderful Life, which we watch every year on Christmas Eve. What a great movie. Year after year, we cry as we see George Bailey overcome the challenges life brings to an everyday guy, who is anything but average. "George Bailey, I'll love you 'til the day I die."
4. Spending time in the Christmas room, sitting in front of the fire, sipping eggnog, basking in the glow of the tree.
5. Playing Christmas music. Our favorite album is Johnny Mathis. (His first album) Every Christmas morning, the kids wake us up around 7am. Dave goes down stairs, brews the coffee (essential), lights the fire, gets the camcorder ready, and turns on Johnny, (...chestnuts roasting on an open fire...), signaling the kids that it's okay to come down stairs to see what Santa brought them. Pure magic. James Taylor's At Christmas, is another favorite...especially his version of Auld Lang Syne...very touching. Perry Como, Tony Benett, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, the great Nat King Cole, The Carpenters, and Vince Gill (Let there be Peace on Earth, is beautiful), all deserve honorable mention.
Last year's Christmas hearth |
Enjoying some window art on our way downtown. |
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This barber shop on Arlington in Santa Barbara, always goes all out! |
In front of Lewis and Clark, my favorite store in Santa Barbara. (taken last year) |
Lizzie's ready for the Holiday Parade |
7. Walking downtown with the family to do some Christmas shopping, eat dinner and see a movie. This really puts me in the Christmas spirit.
8. Setting a festive table for Christmas Eve dinner. We usually have a standing rib roast with Yorkshire pudding, baked potatoes, and roasted asparagus. We raise our glasses to "Mr. Scrooge, founder of the feast... and vow to honor Christmas in our hearts and try to keep it all the year. God bless us every one."
9. Opening one present after dinner on Christmas Eve. It is always matching, cozy jammies, that we wear to watch It's a Wonderful Life.
10. Having the privilege to get everything ready for Santa, even if it takes until 3 am. How can I be so lucky to have such a charmed life. Thank you Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
You can bet Johhny's playing in the background. |
Darling post Mamasita! You have some wonderful Christmas Traditions!!!
ReplyDeleteI know this is going to sound crazy but try adding SBHS's Madrigal/A Capella Christmas program to your "to do" list. Those kids sing carols straight to God's ears!!!! I always get teary eyed. If you cannot make it to one of their three shows, then buy their CD for $10. It would be a beautiful addition to your list of music.
Our family also loves the Christmas lights around town. Yesterday I saw the cutest display on a home on Cota St. (a block or so from APS) If you haven't seen it yet, it's worth a look :)
You have a beautiful family and I love all the pictures. I don't need to tell you to have a Merry Christmas but I wish it all the same.
Thank you my friend! I heard the Madrigal and Acapella concert at St. Anthony's was amazing. One friend said that now that she after she heard the beautiful singing she could officially be in the Christmas spirit! I would love to buy one of their CDs, if you could let me know how. Do Tori and Belle both sing? I've always wanted to go to the concert but always seem to have a conflict...it is a busy season!! I'll definitely take a look at the house on Cota(: Merry Christmas to you, too, Denise!
ReplyDeleteI, too, miss your flying Santa, but your house is SO packed with holiday spirit, it more than makes up for his absence. I LOVE your Santa collection and you inspired me to start my own--I'm up to 2 :)
ReplyDeleteThe photo of your cocoa station brings me back to my own childhood. My mom has (or had) the very same collection of mugs. When I visit, I will have to dig into her cupboard to see if she held onto them. They are treasures of memories of holidays gone by. It is wonderful to see how beautifully you display and embrace the holiday spirit of yesteryear. Lovely.
Nancy, Elaine and Denise, we are all four kindred spirits with our love of the holidays! Thank you all, so very much, for taking the time to read my blog, to comment on it and to say such kind things. I know we will all be basking in the warm glow of the season tonight, surrounded by those we love! Merry Christmas!