Friday, January 6, 2012

Starting Fresh

     Isn't it strange how good it feels to put all the holiday decorations away? When I'm decorating for Christmas I always feel like I'll never want to take the stuff down.  At first, the live garlands are so fresh, green and fragrant, the Christmas village looks so crisp, and all the ornaments are perfectly hung on the tree, but after a few weeks it all starts to lose some of it's sparkle. By Jan. 1, the garlands are stiff, dry and sharp, you've had to re-set a couple of trees and figures in the village so many times you want to scream, and the tree still looks beautiful but the needles have begun to fall regularly on the ground making an endless mess! What began as pure magic starts to feel a little like clutter.  So, we take it all down, packing all of our treasures away with love and care so that next year we can do it all again!

    January is truly the season for starting fresh.  The house feels stark with all the decorations put away and the cold weather only adds to the starkness.  After all the craziness of the past few months, simplicity feels really good.  What better time than now to start a new year's resolution? It feels like there is time to start something new.  Don't you just want to make a clean and healthy soup for dinner, take a nice brisk walk in the neighborhood, light a fire in the fireplace and read a good book or watch a good movie? Ahhh....I also feel the desire to paint the walls...everything looks a little shabby with all the decorations put away.  I want my house to sparkle with cleanliness, to be fresh, bright and comfortable.

This is one of my favorite salads.  It is
simply, romaine lettuce, crumbled
feta cheese, sliced baby beets (vacuum packed
from Trader Joe's), avocado, balsamic dressing and
fresh cracked pepper.  
It's really no sacrifice! Yum! Burp!
(Sorry, I just had to.)

    Here's to stripping away the layers of clutter and fat! To keeping it simple and enjoying the beginning of a bright New Year! Cheers!

    My mom brought this inspiring list of New Years Resolutions to my attention.  Pauline Phillips, aka Dear Abby, adapted this list from the original Al-Anon credo.  These strike me as powerful words to live by.

Just For Today

Just for today: I will live through this day only.  I will not brood about yesterday or obsess about tomorrow.  I will not set far reaching goals or try to overcome all of my problems at once.  I know I can do something for 24 hours that would overwhelm me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime.

Just for today:  I will be happy.  I will not dwell on thoughts that depress me.  If my mind fills with clouds, I will chase them away and fill it with sunshine.

Just for today:  I will accept what is.  I will face reality.  I will correct those things I can correct, and accept those I cannot.

Just for today:  I will make a conscious effort to be agreeable.  I will be kind and courteous to those that cross my path and not speak ill of others.  I will improve my appearance, speak softly, and not interrupt when someone is talking.  Just for today I will refrain from improving anybody but myself.

Just for today:  I will do something positive to improve my health. If I am a smoker, I'll quit.  If I'm overweight, I will eat healthfully- if only for today.  And not only that. I will get off the couch and take a brisk walk, even if it's only around the block.

Just for today:  I will gather the courage to do what is right and take responsibility for my own actions.

~  and one more  ~
(the last one is from me ( : )


  1. I love the Just For Today section! Take it day by day and don't get stressed out there is always tomorrow! Gamy was just talking to me about this. And is it wrong that I want a fresh salad even though it's one in the morning! Nay!

  2. Thanks Carrie so very! I love the concept of new beginnings and starting fresh. We can be whoever we want to be, one day at a time. That Gammy is a wiise woman.
    P.S. Let me assure you that salad was good and easy, too! What would be a better midnight snack...quesadillas or salad? You decide.


Steppin' out with my sweetie

About Me

Happy housewife, mother of four daughters and lover of the holidays/seasons, goes a long way to describe me. I want to share some of my thoughts and experiences as the seasons roll by. Hope you share some of my passions! Con mucho gusto! Holiday Mamasita Lauren Smith Goss